Kris Doyle
302 Menominee Dr
Galena, IL 61036
(815) 281-0305
Kris Doyle for the Galena Studio Tour will be at:
Artists' Annex
418 Spring Street
Galena, IL 61036
Kris Doyle has always enjoyed working with her hands in a variety of mediums ranging from stitching to knitting and even wood carving.
After moving to Galena 8 years ago, Kris was fortunate to find a class in basket weaving, allowing her to pursue a craft that had intrigued her since childhood. After one class, she was hooked and has continued to take classes and attend group basket weaving functions here in the Midwest.
Kris particularly loves the feeling of being connected with the past--the knowledge that baskets have been made for millennia, and that she is a part in keeping a tradition alive by learning traditional skills. She also loves learning new techniques that take basket weaving to a new and exciting future.
Kris has shown her baskets at The Galena Artists’ Guild Gallery, Hello! Galena, and the Rountree Gallery in Platteville, as well as local art shows.